

Plated metal; collapsible; (2) 10” wheels on back; (2) 4” wheels on front; decorative filigree on each end.
Length, H x W. 48," 1' 10" x 1' 3."
Opening like an accordion, this catafalque collapses small enough to be stowed in a small closet. Draping covers its underlying framework transported via its small, rotating wheels. Today’s “church trucks” have equal-sized, foot-operated locking wheels, adjustable locking positions to accommodate multiple casket lengths, and hand grips for steering.


Set, catafalque
Pair of matching wooden, four-legged stands with metal stretcher on each; turn legs; decorative cross bar; painted black. H x W 1' 3 3/8" x 1' 9" width is top bar.
The platform that supported a coffin, caskets, cooling board, or even a plain wooden board, the catafalque, served its purpose in mostly portable varieties. When time to remove the coffin from the home, pallbearers picked up the stand and sent it onward in a wagon or truck destined to the church and later burial site for additional support duties.